Our Story

Rockford Crunchy Ladies was founded in October 2014 by Marlana McFarland. On her mission to find women who were on the same path as her and grow our community, she created our Facebook group. She started finding other women in our area who were like-minded and asked them to join her in the Facebook group. Our group has since grown to over 700 members! With the original members becoming close we all envisioned something bigger. In 2017 we decided we would incorporate Rockford Crunchy Ladies over the course of the following year. It became clear that our community needed a support network for women on their journeys toward a natural lifestyle.

RCL is and will continue to grow over the years. We are committed to building our community and supporting all of our women. We will also continue to build our online community, and bring natural living awareness, support, education, and resources to our women and families.

Why Give?

RCL ladies are real. We have passion for our community and are committed to bring together our local ladies.

We are a diverse group of women.

We strive to be sustainable in our community by building relationships and helping all ladies on their journey no matter where they are at in it.

Scholarships for Our Local Community

When you donated to us, the fund can go toward our scholarships and class opportunit5es for women and their families in our community

Children’s Food Free Events

We hold our annual Egg Hunt and Tealoween to bring together our children who cannot participate in big holidays due to allergies. We love putting these together and supporting our children so no one is left out.

Show Your Generosity At These Events

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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