Our Mission

Rockford Crunchy Ladies is actively growing, nourishing, and sustaining self proclaimed crunchy women of the NW IL region. We connect individuals and create inclusive community around education, conversation, and service work to support members on their journey to holistic, sustainable, natural lifestyles. We do this to create harmony with the Earth and secure a high quality life for this generation and future generations.


“Survival of the Most Collaborative”: Crunchy, Kind, Supportive Community

Community is key. We cultivate inclusive space to learn new skills, gain new knowledge, share resources, communicate & be seen, as well as encourage & support others who are on similar journeys.  We create healthier communities through this vision of attainable, sustainable natural living so that all may enjoy the abundance of connected, resilient, resourceful people who are kind, crunchy, and supportive.

“Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.” -Yuri Kochiyama

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