“I think the whole world is dying to hear someone say “I Love You”. I think that if I can leave the legacy of love and passion in the world then I think I’ve done my job in a world that’s getting colder and colder by the day.” -Lionel Richie

As the RCL board has reformed and reimagined possibilities this year, we have also learned how to shift, pivot, and stay aligned in the face of tragedy.

Together, as a community, we are feeling the extra energy and momentum our founding angel is breathing into the group from beyond this realm.  There was a tangible line that was drawn in the sand when the founder of Rockford Crunchy Ladies, Marlana McFarland, passed away unexpectedly earlier this year.

Like anything she did while here on this Earth, her loving kindness, devotion to others, and “get ‘er done” attitude and motivation has been felt still.

Her loss has created stronger connections within the Rockford Crunchy Ladies community and infused a deep desire in each of us to honor, nourish, and grow her visions of a supportive, kind, crunchy community.

Inclusive, welcoming, authentic collections of incredible, everyday humans; she knew the power of coming together for a greater cause, and used her time on Earth to serve in a way that left a beautiful legacy and inspiration to continue.

We have been busy this year, reforming a functional board to serve the community even better.

We have been planning, calling in, and executing events, workshops, and tabling bigger events like the “Love Your Mental Event” in Rockford this past weekend.

Read on to get a recap of what we have been up to, and how you can be a part of it!

If you missed the live video on IG and FB go back and check out what we have coming down the line for this Fall/Winter Season. There are some fantastic events that only get better as more people attend!

We kicked off the inaugural Heart & Soil Sister Circle last month. We met the Thursday after Summer Solstice and enjoyed a circle full of all different kinds of women. Many people brought snacks to share and we enjoyed the ambiance of a beautiful evening in the backyard of RCL headquarters.

There was simple guided movement and breath, song and chant, as well as circle discussion about what community means to us, and how we can redefine what community is, how we operate and connect, and some of the challenges of being in community. It was a robust conversation with so many beautiful insights and perspectives.

We have another gathering planned for August 3rd and Sept 21st. If you would like to read more about the intention behind Heart & Soil, or would like to know more about what a circle could look like, please visit the event description by clicking here!

The Feminine Self-Care & Hygiene Class was an intimate group of women that enjoyed an afternoon in safe space for conversation about menstruation, challenges, tools, and witness. Each woman brought something unique to the discussion and each person walked away with new tools to try as they care for and learn to love the menstruation journey and all that it involves! They also blended their own yoni steams to use and try as well as instructions on how to use them! And snacks, of course there were snacks. Everything is just better with snacks.

We had such a fun day at Love Your Mental 2023! Board members tabled the event in order to meet new people and shared about the Rockford Crunchy Ladies in order to call in more people looking for kind, crunchy supportive community! We also gathered donations and entries for our two raffle baskets, sold t-shirts and decals, and gave away cilantro seeds and extra products from previous make-n-takes. Our seed bank chair Chantel was there with her husband and their food truck, Iron Salamander. It was so great to support a fellow RCL while being fed amazing eats!! Thankyou to everyone who stopped by our booth. It really was a great day.

As we approach the last half of this year, and we continue to create kind, crunchy, supportive spaces, you are encouraged to step into a space that wants you present!

You will never be judged for your “crunchy level”.

You will be welcomed with open arms to show up as yourself.

You might even experience new connections and new inspiration through the courage it takes to just show up.

We grow, learn, and heal more effectively, sustainably, and efficiently in community.

Community helps to encourage us to show up for ourselves even when it is hard.

Community says yes to your tears, and your joys with equal enthusiasm.  Community is witness and support.

We are actively building the type of community we long for, and as this is a collective experience, we all long for the safety and acceptance of authentic community.

We have to power to redefine, cultivate, and sustain the type of communities we are all longing for as we experience this journey of life and the transformational period we are moving through currently.

So I call you to action! Get involved, join us in the ways that work and feel good for you! It IS enough, you ARE enough, and we are so excited to welcome you in.